AMA Format Quick Guide

Attention all Liberty University students and faculty:
The university officially switched to AMA 11th edition for Spring 2021. All resources below are AMA-11 compliant.

Papers Using Structured Abstract

Papers With Non-Structured Abstract

Helpful Resources

Note about the templates provided by Liberty University. Please read the hot-pink and green highlighted text in each template and follow those instructions before removing that content or those placeholders from your final paper. Also, be sure to use end notes rather than footnotes. Otherwise, the templates will not function properly.

AMA Formatting


Title Page

AMA-11 does not specify any requirements for this so the sample papers and templates provided for LUO students are unique to Liberty University coursework.

Main Body


Level 1

Level 2
Level 3
Level 4


Papers that include original research, synthesized reviews, clinical reviews, or other forms of research presentations should be presented with a structured abstract. Otherwise, an unstructured abstract is an appropriate form of abstract to use. If a student is ever in doubt about the type of abstract needed for a specific assignment, he or she should consult the assignment’s instructions, grading rubric, and professor of the course for clarification on that assignment. Separate sample papers and templates are provided in links above for both formats.

General guidelines for abstracts in AMA-11 include:

Students using structured abstracts should include the following headings as their section titles:



Liberty University Class Lectures

In keeping with section, references to Liberty University class lectures will be cited as (please note that the content on the second line should be indented to fall under the content above it (not the number); limitations of Liberty’s website programming prevent it from appearing correctly below):

  1. COUC 815 – week 1: comparison of diagnostic criteria of PTSD and attachment disorders [PDF class handout]. Liberty University. Updated March 18, 2020. Accessed October 30, 2020.
  2. Owen C. COUC 815: PTSD from early childhood trauma as a precursor to attachment issues [Class lecture]. Liberty University. Updated March 13, 2020. Accessed October 28, 2020.

Student’s Prior Class Paper

In keeping with section, references to a student’s prior class paper will be cited as (please note that the content on the second line should be indented to fall under the content above it (not he number); limitations of Liberty’s website programming prevent it from appearing correctly below):

  1. Owen C. Effect of reduced Cluster-B personality traits in adopted children on their parents’ levels of family satisfaction. Liberty University, COUC 815; 2020. Accessed August 30, 2020.

Additional Formatting

Numbers & Percentages (Chapter 18)

Use numerals to express numbers except:

Numbers of 4 or more digits to either side of the decimal point:

Measures of temperature

Miscellaneous rules involving numbers

Italics (Section 21.9.4)