Cuban Cigars in the United States

No, under the current Cuban cigars laws, individuals are not permitted to bring Cuban cigars into the United States. This prohibition took effect in September of 2020.

It is important to be aware that this prohibition also applies to carrying on items for personal consumption. If an individual carries Cuban cigars in their checked baggage or carry-on luggage when traveling, they will be committing an offense.

It is also important to be aware that, prior to 2020, there were different laws and regulations that applied to Cuban cigars in the U.S. Before September 2020, the U.S. Treasury Department allowed Cuban cigars to enter the country if an individual returned directly from Cuba on a licensed visit.

Individuals who may have been permitted to visit Cuba at that time included:

There were also other requirements for importing Cuban cigars in addition to returning from Cuba on a licensed visit, which included:

Currently, these permissions do not apply, as there is a total ban on Cuban cigars. It is important to be aware of the previous regulations, however, as the laws governing cuban cigars may change through the years, especially related to new presidential elections.

  1. Why Are Cuban Cigars Illegal in the United States?
  2. A Short History of Cuban Cigar Regulations in the United States
  3. What Happens if You Get Caught with Cuban Cigars at Customs?
  4. When Did Cuban Cigars Become Legal?
  5. Are There Any Other Restrictions on Importing Cuban Cigars?
  6. Can I Purchase Cuban Cigars in the United States?
  7. Can I Import Cuban Cigars from Another Country?
  8. What Are the Penalties for Bringing Cuban Cigars Into the U.S?
  9. Are There Any Other Legal Issues Related to Cuban Cigars?
  10. Do I Need a Lawyer if Customs Find Cuban Cigars?

Why Are Cuban Cigars Illegal in the United States?

To understand why Cuban cigars are illegal in the United States, you will have to plunge into the history books. It is a matter of political connections between Cuba and the United States. It does not involve the product itself.

For political reasons which kicked off in the 1960s, the U.S. and Cuba have had a nervous relationship. This relationship seemed to improve under the Obama administration. The exception on Cuban rum and tobacco products was a sign of this.

Cuban cigars are banned in the United States for political reasons. The U.S. has placed embargoes and sanctions on Cuba, which also apply to Cuban tobacco products.

Nevertheless, it has not always been this way, and the regulations may switch again with the new administration. If you are yearning for authentic Cuban cigars, then the soundest thing you can do is stay up-to-date with the news.

For decades, Cuban cigars were deemed an illegal product due to the tense relations between the United States and Cuba. However, in the last ten years, there have been several changes.

As of September 23, 2020, the United States amended the Cuban Assets Control Regulations (CACR) to ban the import of Cuban cigars. Previously, some of these regulations were relaxed under the Obama administration, as discussed above, including those on Cuban tobacco products.

In short, it is not what is in Cuban cigars that makes them criminal but rather where they come from.

A Short History of Cuban Cigar Regulations in the United States

February 1962

John F. Kennedy establishes a trade embargo on all Cuban imports, including tobacco.

December 2014

Obama promotes the relaxation of the trade embargo. Travelers can bring up to $100 worth of Cuban cigars into the United States for personal consumption.

October 2016

A partial lift of the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba also lifts the limits on bringing in Cuban cigars for personal consumption. Online purchases and mail orders of Cuban tobacco products stay unlawful.

September 2020

Trump announces a firmer stance on Cuban sanctions, prohibiting Cuban imports, including tobacco products.

The period of 2014-2019 was a joyous time for cigar lovers. It was finally possible to smoke an authentic Cuban again. Unfortunately, it is indefinite whether this will be feasible again anytime soon.

What Happens if You Get Caught with Cuban Cigars at Customs?

Even though Cuban cigars are banned from the United States, some still try to sneak them in. This conduct is a criminal offense that may result in severe consequences.

Travelers caught with Cuban cigars, whether for resale or personal consumption, can face different penalties in the U.S., depending on the severity of the case. These may range from confiscation of the products, to fines, to criminal charges.

When Did Cuban Cigars Become Legal?

Bringing in Cuban cigars for personal consumption was made legal in 2014. However, all imports of Cuban products, including cigars, were again banned in September 2020.

Are There Any Other Restrictions on Importing Cuban Cigars?

As of September 2020, Cuban tobacco products may not enter the United States. If an individual is carrying Cuban cigars in their carry-on or checked baggage, they would be committing an offense.

Can I Purchase Cuban Cigars in the United States?

No. The Treasury Department provides that an individual should assume that all offers to purchase or sell Cuban cigars involve illegally imported cigars.

Can I Import Cuban Cigars from Another Country?

No. It is prohibited for travelers to acquire Cuban cigars in a third country and bring them into the United States. For instance, it is illegal to acquire Cuban cigars in Canada and bring them into the United States.

What Are the Penalties for Bringing Cuban Cigars Into the U.S?

The penalties for illegally importing, purchasing, selling, trading, giving away, or otherwise engaging in transactions involving illegally imported Cuban cigars can be very severe. The Cuban cigars can, and most likely will, be seized.

Additionally, an individual can face civil fines up to $50,000 or $55,000 per violation. In some cases, an individual will also face criminal charges that may result in a prison sentence of up to 10 years and $250,000 in criminal fines.

If an individual engages in the sale of Cuban cigars, they may also face issues related to selling tobacco to minors if the purchaser was underage.

Are There Any Other Legal Issues Related to Cuban Cigars?

In addition to the legality of importing Cuban cigars and the requirements that may be placed on them at a future date, there are also other legal issues related to Cuban cigars and tobacco in general that an individual may encounter. In some cases suing tobacco companies may be necessary if an individual suffered an injury or a product had marketing issues.

These types of lawsuits are usually filed as class action tobacco lawsuits. For more information on these types of issues, an individual should consult with a class action lawsuit attorney.

Do I Need a Lawyer if Customs Find Cuban Cigars?

The import of Cuban cigars, both for commercial purposes and personal consumption, is illegal in the United States. This is not because of the contents of these tobacco products but rather the political relations between the United States and Cuba.

The days you could bring in a box of Cuban cigars are unfortunately over again. It is unclear whether the September 2020 changes in CACR will change under a new presidential administration.

If you have any questions related to the current laws governing Cuban cigars, an immigration lawyer can help. It is essential to contact an attorney immediately if you have been accused of anything related to the illegal importation of Cuban cigars, as the consequences may be severe.

Your lawyer will be able to provide you with advice regarding your rights and possible defenses as well as be your representation in court. In the event that the laws change in the future and it is again legal to import Cuban cigars, your lawyer can advise you of the requirements that apply.

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