Alexandria man arrested for downloading child porn

An Alexandria man is in Blair County Prison on $250,000 bail after being charged with 42 felony child pornography charges for illicit images depicting female minors.

Anthony Stephen Bookhammer, 36, was arraigned Monday before Magisterial District Judge Matthew Dunio.

On Feb. 24, special agents with the state Attorney General’s Child Protection Section questioned Bookhammer at his place of employment about tips that had been investigated after an Oct. 4, 2021, report from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The tips were about illicit images of female minors that were uploaded to a cellphone a month earlier.

Another suspected image was accessed by an email, later connected to Bookhammer, on Sept. 5, 2021.

When questioned, Bookhammer agreed to talk with agents and consented to have his cellphone searched. He also was told his former Williamsburg residence was being searched.

According to an affidavit of probable cause, Bookhammer admitted to viewing pornography and child pornography almost daily including the morning he was interviewed.

He allegedly said he used the images to masturbate but said he would never physically touch or harm a child.

He told agents he would save pornographic images to his cellphone and laptop. About 42 child pornography images were found during a forensic examination of his devices.

Bookhammer is scheduled to appear before Dunio for a preliminary hearing April 21.


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