ANSI/ISEA Z308-2021 - A New Standard for Workplace First Aid Kits

As an employer, there is a responsibility to provide access to first aid kits in the event that an employees becomes ill or sustains an injury. According to the NSC (National Safety Council), a worker is injured on the job every 7 seconds in the United States. This accounts for over four million incidents every year. Is your workplace first aid kit up to date? ANSI (the American National Standards Institute) and ISEA (the International Safety Equipment Association) have established minimum requirements for workplace first aid kits under the ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021 standard. ANSI recently released updated guidelines for enhanced supplies that supersede the 2015 update. First aid kits and cabinets should have been updated to the new ANSI/ISEA Z2308-2021 standards by October 15, 2022. If you haven't already done so, now is the time to upgrade your first aid kits in order to be ANSI 2021 compliant.

What is ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021?

ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021 establishes minimum performance specifications for first aid kits and the supplies they contain. They are intended for use in a variety of work environments, and their classification is based on elements including the level of hazards present, the complexity of the work environment, and the anticipated number of users. The containers are classified by portability, their ability to be mounted, and their resistance to water, corrosion, and impact.

2021 Standards

The new standards include several updates and additions to the 2015 ANSI standards. The ANSI 2021 Standards includes two classes of kits: Class A for most common types of workplace injuries and Class B for a broader range and quantity of supplies for complex and high-risk environments. The 2021 standards now require a foil blanket for both classes of first aid kits. This measure was enacted after assessing similar international standards and recognizing “the multiple purposes that the item can serve to respond to first aid emergencies.” The updated standards also distinguish more guidance on required types of tourniquets for Class B kits, with specific guidelines to be most effective at preventing blood loss (ex: "The equipment intended to prevent blood loss should be at least 1.5 inches wide and be effective for limb sizes 7-33 inches around"). Additionally, the updated standards include more guidance on separately packed bleeding control kits with more advanced guidance for identifying workplace hazards. According to ISEA, "These contain more advanced first aid supplies to immediately treat life-threatening external bleeding.


How to Select the Right Kit for Your Workplace

Employers can identify the appropriate kits for their workplace by conducting a workplace hazard assessment. This assessment will identify what types of injuries may occur relative to the hazards present and determine the types of first aid supplies needed to treat the injuries. As stated, Class A kits are available for the most common types of workplace injuries while Class B kits provide supplies for more advanced treatment. See below for a detailed list of contents .

ANSI/SEA Z308.1-2021 Required Contents

To be compliant with the ANSI 2021 standard, First Aid Kits must contain the following components

Class A First Aid Kits

Class A kits are intended to provide a basic range of products to deal with most common types of injuries encountered in the workplace. Examples include major wounds, minor wounds (such as cuts and abrasions), minor burns, and eye injuries. Any first aid kit designated Class A must contain the assortment of compliant supplies in the quantities specified below:

Required Minimum Contents List

What's the difference between the ANSI 2015 and ANSI 2021 Standards?

Class B First Aid Kits

Class B Kits These are intended to provide broader range and quantity of supplies to deal with injuries that personnel may encounter in more populated, complex, and/or high-risk work environments. First aid kits designated Class B contain two items not found in Class A ones: a splint and a tourniquet. They also possess all the items found in Class A kits, but in greater quantities. The supplies and quantities for Class B first aid kits are listed below:

Required Minimum Contents List

What's the difference between the ANSI 2015 and ANSI 2021 Standards?

Keep Your Workplace Safe

Safety of your employees should be your top priority. To keep your employees safe, upgrade all of your first aid kits, supplies, and cabinets to ANSI 2021 standards. Implement a regular maintenance schedule and supplement supplies as needed, inspect first aid kits on a monthly basis, and following any first aid emergency. Always clean and disinfect the kits and cabinets on a regular basis.

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