9 Super Tips to Write ABA Daily Session Notes (DSN)

At the end of every ABA session, the ABA therapist or Behavior Technician will fill in the daily session notes. It is of the utmost importance that the daily session notes must be written objectively to gain an accurate observation of what occurred during the session. Here are the 9 top tips to write daily session notes:

  1. Reinforcers and their effectiveness

In this section, the ABA therapist will list the reinforcers used during the session and will note how effective the reinforcer was. How it is noted is based on the observation if the reinforcer the learner interacted with was least, medium, or highly motivating. This section can be beneficial to review which reinforcer was more highly preferred, motivating, and can be used as a highly potential reinforcer for the next session.

There are 5 different types of preference assessments that can be conducted with the learner during the ABA session. In this section, the ABA therapist will note which assessments were implemented to determine the preference hierarchy of the reinforcers.

If the supervisor also attended the session, the ABA therapist will note what topic was discussed with the supervisor during the session. This discussion can range from a program, parent training strategies, preference assessment, NET, and other topics

Under this section, the ABA therapist will note the following:

In the feedback section, I would write 2 positive feedbacks and 1 constructive feedback I gave to the parent/guardian. This 2 to 1 ratio is how I provide feedback during sessions in order to not overwhelm the parent/guardian. With the constructive feedback I provided, I would make sure to focus on and provide more assistance to the parent in order to improve that skill in the next parent training.

If a program target was mastered during the session, the ABA therapist will note this in the Daily Session Notes to implement further generalization in the next session.

If the ABA therapist has not conducted a program or target during the session, this should be noted and must be worked on at the beginning of the next session.

If the ABA therapist has observed that a target has not made progress after two weeks, this should be noted and must be discussed with the supervisor.

In this section, the ABA therapist will objectively write the behavior observed during the session. The format will be written similarly as tracking ABC data:

Tracking the ABC data is beneficial to determine what the behavior function is. By identifying the behavior function, it assists to identify and implement proactive and consequence strategies to address the behavior function. If strategies were used to address the behavior function, the ABA therapist will note which strategies were implemented.

  1. Additional Comments

For this section, the ABA therapist will write down any additional observations and discussions made during the session. When I write my daily session notes, I would use this section to write down:

This is how to complete daily session notes.

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