RRB J.E General Science Questions PDF

RRB JE General Science Questions PDF

RRB JE General Science Questions PDF

Download RRB J.E General Science Questions and Answers PDF. Top 40 RRB JE (Junior Engineer) General Science based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the RRB JE exam.

Question 1: The vitamin necessary for coagulation of blood is

Question 2: Blood group AB has which kind of antibodies?

b) No antibody is present in blood group AB

c) Neither antigen nor antibody

d) Both antigen and antibody

Question 3: The largest artery in human body is

d) Pulmonary vein

Question 4: Animals like annelids and arthropods etc where the body can be divided into identical left and right halves in only one plane, exhibit which kind of symmetry?

Question 5: At room temperature, which metal remains liquid?

Question 6: Aromatic hydrocarbons contain at least how many benzene rings in their molecules?

Question 7: An ant can see the objects all around due to the presence of ?

b) Eyes over head

c) well Developed eyes

d) Compound eyes

Question 8: Multiplication of equivalent weight and valency of an element is equal to ______.

b) Relative temperature

c) Atomic weight

Question 9: Which device is best suited for measuring the temperature inside metallurgical furnaces?

Question 10: – The rhythmic contraction of the lining of muscles of canal to push the food along the gut is called ______.

d) No option is correct.

Question 11: Which enzyme is present in all members of the animal kingdom except Protozoa?

Question 12: The animals in which the body cavity is absent are known as __________.

Question 13: In roots, the protoxylem lies towards periphery and metaxylem lies towards the centre. Such arrangement of primary xylem is called ____________.

b) Xylem parenchyma

Question 14: Workers in leather tanning industries tend to suffer from

b) heart diseases

c) skin diseases

d) blood diseases

Question 15: ………………….is a multibranched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in animals and fungi.

Question 16: The primary function of RNA is

b) Protein Synthesis

Question 17: The yellow colour of human urine is due to

Question 18: Prothrombin, responsible for clotting of blood is released by………………

a) Small Intestine

b) Blood Platelets

c) Large Intestine

Question 19: What is plant cell wall mainly composed of?

Question 20: Which is a structural and functional unit of kidneys?

a) Renette Cells

Question 21: A cannon ball is fired. The motion of this ball is an example of ______.

a) Straight line motion

b) projectile motion

c) Hyperbolic motion

d) horizontal motion

Question 22: An example of longitudinal waves (in gas as a medium) is ……………

c) electromagnetic waves

Question 23: If the vector sum of torques acting on a system is zero, then the object is in ……………

a) static equilibrium

b) translatory equilibrium

c) linear equilibrium

d) rotational equilibrium

Question 24: – During __________ motion of an object along a straight line, the change in velocity of the object for any time interval is zero.

Question 25: For what is Mohs scale used?

a) To measure brightness of a substance

b) To measure viscosity of a liquid

c) To measure elasticity of a material

d) To measure hardness of minerals

Question 26: Find the number of integral solutions of $(x – 3)(x + 10) – 2(8x + 3) \leq 0$

Question 27: The point where total mass of a body is supposed to be concentrated is known as

b) Centre of mass

c) Centre of gravity

d) Centre of motion

Question 28: Cryogenics is a branch of Physics that deal with ……………

a) very high temperatures

b) very low temperatures

c) growth of extremely small crystals

d) growth of extremely large crystals

Question 29: What is the value of acceleration due to gravity at the centre of earth?

Question 30: Magnetic Equator is closely associated with

a) Natural calamities

b) Fishing ground

c) Tidal current

d) Satellite launching

Question 31: Which is used to treat Indigestion?

Question 32: On a clean glass plate a drop of water spreads to form a thin layer whereas a drop of mercury remains almost spherical because ________

a) Mercury is a metal

b) Density of mercury is greater than that of water

c) Cohesion of mercury is greater than its adhesion with glass

d) Cohesion of water is greater than its adhesion with glass

Question 33: When cathode rays strike a target of high atomic weight, they give rise to

b) 13 and y rays

d) positive rays

Question 34: In the periodic table of elements, on moving from left to right across a period, what happens to the atomic radius?

c) remains unchanged

d) does not follow a definite pattern

Question 35: ……………are a group of chemicals that influence cell division and shoot formation.

Question 36: The element which is commonly used in nuclear for producing electricity by nuclear fission is?

Question 37: Which bond is weakest in nature?

d) Hydrogen bond

Question 38: Ethane gas has a slightly …………taste.

Question 39: What is Heavy water?

a) Monoterium oxide

b) Polyterium oxide

c) Deuterium oxide

d) Trisium oxide

Question 40: What is dehydration?

a) Removal of acid from a molecule

b) Removal of base from a molecule

c) Removal of water from a molecule

d) Removal of alkali from a molecule

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

2) Answer (B)

3) Answer (A)

4) Answer (D)

5) Answer (A)

6) Answer (D)

7) Answer (D)

8) Answer (C)

9) Answer (A)

10) Answer (A)

11) Answer (D)

12) Answer (D)

13) Answer (C)

14) Answer (C)

15) Answer (B)

16) Answer (B)

17) Answer (D)

18) Answer (B)

19) Answer (C)

A plant cell wall mainly composed of cellulose.

20) Answer (D)

21) Answer (B)

22) Answer (D)

23) Answer (D)

24) Answer (D)

25) Answer (D)

26) Answer (B)

$(x – 3)(x + 10) – 2(8x + 3) \leq 0$
Simplifying it,
$x^2 + 7x – 30 -16x – 6 \leq 0$
$x^2 – 9x – 36 \leq 0$
$(x + 3)(x – 12) \leq 0$

We see that all integers from -3 to 12, satisfy the above inequality.
Thus, a total of 16 integers satisfy the above inequality.

27) Answer (B)

28) Answer (B)

29) Answer (B)

30) Answer (D)

31) Answer (A)

32) Answer (C)

33) Answer (C)

34) Answer (A)

35) Answer (A)

36) Answer (C)

37) Answer (D)

38) Answer (A)

39) Answer (C)

40) Answer (C)

We hope this General Science questions for RRB JE Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.