The overall goal of the County of Marion’s Planning Department is to develop and implement plans that improve the quality of life for all our citizens. Promoting orderly and controlled development allows us to plan for current and future needs. We encourage citizen participation in all of our meetings and activities.

The department is responsible for zoning issues, issuing permits, and developing a Comprehensive Plan in coordination with the Planning Commission. This department also ensures all construction and renovation projects meet land use ordinances and local regulations before work begins.

The Planning Department is available to assist the public in obtaining information regarding the use and physical development of land in the county and to review the development plans for conformance with the county's Zoning and Land Development Ordinances. Plats are stamped to indicate compliance with these ordinances before recordation at the Marion County Clerk of Court’s Office.

Services are provided Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, except on official holidays. The department is located in the Marion County Administration Building.

Applications for zoning permits, Letters of Zoning Compliance, variance requests, special exception requests, change of zoning district requests, and administrative appeal requests are obtained in this department.

Administrative support for the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Planning Commission is provided by planning staff.

Please call or e-mail us with your concerns.

Planning Commission

From Section 9-3 of the Marion County Zoning Ordinance: "No building, other structure, or land shall be used nor shall any building, structure or land be converted, wholly or in part, to any other use, until a use permit certifying compliance with this Ordinance has been issued by the Zoning Official; except that no use permit shall be required for any use in existence on the effective date of this Ordinance. No use permit shall be issued where such use violates the provisions of this Ordinance or any other applicable law or regulation. Part thereof shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered unless in conformity with the regulations specified in this Ordinance for the district in which it is located."

A Zoning Permit is required before obtaining a Building Permit for a structure.
The zoning permit fee is $25.00,/ Plat Approval is $30.00

A Zoning Permit is required before moving a Manufactured Home into or to another location in Marion County.